皇家墨爾本理工學院的新加坡分校 詠瑞留學合作招生免代辦費 LINE: @pbs7464v; skype: benuredu ; wechat: benuredu

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 生產, 定住, 詠瑞留學26年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v ; 微信: benuredu 

RMIT 大學的新加坡學生在合作學校上課. RMIT Singapore

(1) Drive your career further with a degree from RMIT and Singapore Institute of Management.
Drive your career further with a degree from RMIT and Singapore Institute of Management.

Singapore Institute of Management

Since our partnership began in 1987, RMIT University and the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) have graduated more than 24,000 SIM-RMIT students.

In today's competitive environment, graduates need to be able to compete in the global job market. According to the SIM Graduates Survey (2011), more than 90 per cent of graduates secured a job within six months of completion.

As a global university of technology, RMIT's connections provide an international perspective to your learning and development.

Our partnership with SIM brings together two institutions committed to excellence in education in the fields of business, management, marketing, logistics and supply chain management, construction management, communication design and professional communication and, the newest offering, aviation management.

Programs offered through RMIT and SIM are:  以下學士課程可以透過詠瑞留學, 免費申請  學費為新幣  申請前洽詠瑞留學

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication)
  • Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
  • Bachelor of Business (Management)    S$46,224.00 for 24 modules, payable over 6 semesters     每年7月一次入學 / 3年畢業 總學費約104萬台幣
  • Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)
  • Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)   S$46,224.00 for 24 modules, payable over 6 semesters     每年7月一次入學 / 3年畢業 總學費約104萬台幣
  • Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
  • Bachelor of Business (International Business)
  • Bachelor of Design (Communication Design)

(2) Kaplan Higher Education Institute

RMIT University commenced its partnership with Kaplan Higher Education Institute (Kaplan Singapore) in 2015 with the initial offerings in the fields of Engineering.

Ranked as the number one Preferred Private Education Institution in the 2013/14 JobsCentral Learning Survey, Kaplan Singapore has established itself as one of the most respected private education institutions in Southeast Asia.

Kaplan Singapore offers high-quality teaching that is tailored to the needs of its students.

Programs offered through RMIT and Kaplan are:  以下學士課程可以透過詠瑞留學, 免費申請

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours)
  • 詠瑞留學合作招生免代辦費 LINE: @pbs7464v; skype: benuredu ; wechat: benuredu
做了26年了我們能給您最好的建議, 希望能有機會協助您出國留學, 如果您想在台灣修國外學位我們也能協助, 如果您想用關說進某些名校我們也能協助, 其他特殊入學申請或取得文憑方式也可協助您;我們給您不同的想法與建議, 方向重於努力,規劃可以改變未來,我們已幫無數學生達成夢想

申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300(還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)   精美英文簡章請洽詠瑞留學索取 

 詠瑞留學與其他留學顧問公司之比較                 詠瑞徵才        新英格蘭英語學校(NESE)波士頓(口碑名校)

訂購詠瑞出版的書籍                      留學相關書籍                     留學申請服務                        留學申請服收費                 關於詠瑞(About UR)

   回首頁                更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費    回美國語言課程精選

台北車站補習及辦事處: 台北市忠孝西路一段417樓之3 (天成飯店/M3出口第二棟) 886 2 2361 0300

                                                            886 2 2361 0300    一通電話解決您所有留遊學問題

veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; LINE: @pbs7464v ; wechat: benuredu; skype: benuredu

回首頁: www.urwinner.net   

1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 (含寄宿中學) 8MBA申請

 9 大專院校講師博士班     10  一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)  11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT  12 偉恩州立大學英語教學  13 條件式申請 (免TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)

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