

Maharishi University of Management

Ph.D. In Management



創校於1971年,座落於愛荷華州密西西比河北50英里的菲爾德市,交通便利,靠近芝加哥,路易斯,堪薩斯市,治安良好。學校創立的宗旨是爲創造一個完整的教育體系,其擁有全球知名的大腦潛能開發課程 (Transcendental Meditation), 使每個學生都能夠充分享受學習與實踐人生的機會和成就。校園建築現代化,設備齊全,視聽中心、教堂、圖書館、學生交誼中心、網球場、棒球場、足球場等等,完善的設施,師資優良,為進修之理想學校。

瑪赫西大學爲美國大學協會.六大教育聯盟之北部聯盟及大陸與中華民國教育認可。本校頒發博士班, 碩士班, 學士班及專業文憑學位.. 提供學生最新資訊及全球性現代知識經驗為主要目標之學府.

瑪赫西大學與全美超過兩百家大型企業簽有建教合作方案. IBM, Microsoft, AT&T Bell Lab., HP, Apple等著名公司(如附錄). 學員畢業後學校可安排至各大公司實習. 本校另提供全額助學貸款給國際學生參加其電腦碩士課程, 學員一旦被錄取,不但免繳學費與生活費,入學後5~8個月安排你進入著名公司上班,而學費以分期付款由薪水扣除,工作後平均年薪為US$55,00010,0000,上班後,利用晚上、週末及Distance Learning繼續完成碩士學位。



為因應全球化經濟趨勢及管理研究需求, 加強不同領域專業管理者更高一

層之成功進階推進, 所設計規劃最有價值之進修課程共需二年完成所

有課程與博士資格考, 論文通過後即可獲管理博士之學位.


l          一年半完成所有課程, 之後半年完成博士資格考, 第三年可選擇在台或在美完成論文. 三年畢業.

l          學員修畢60學分即可取得Ph.D.學位(包括論文9個學分). . 

l          獎學金: 全職主管或教師, 經我們推薦者, 將可獲特別獎學金, US$27,088.


進修學位  管理博士Ph.D. In Management


申請資格   美國或本國認可之大學研究所碩士學位 (美國碩士免托福,非美國碩士

           需托福600分以上或通過英文面試)GMAT 600.


進修方式   2年密集進修班



費用說明  3年學費含課程規劃約美金$35,000(第一年11,865,第二年11,616

           , 第三年10,000 , 已扣除獎學金)



1)      申請費: US$50(概不退).

2)      代辦費及課程規劃費: USD$3,000.

   (文件繳齊時先繳交, 未取得I-20, 除行政費USD$300, 將全數退還).

3)      英文推荐信2

4)      英文版大學成績單正本3(含鋼印)

5)      英文版畢業證書3(含校章)                                               

6)      英文銀行存款證明3 (約台幣NTD$100萬以上)

7)      TOEFLGMAT or GRE成績影本2 (英語系國家之碩士不需繳交TOEFL)

8)      近期照片3

9)      護照影本2                         

10)  個人履歷, 自傳各1 (3年以上工作經驗)


課程簡介:Required Courses in the Ph.D. Curriculum



4個選修課程可供不同科係的同學選擇: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, Electronic Business, Human Resource Management, and International Business.




About Maharishi University of Management

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Maharishi University of Management was founded in 1971 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to create enlightenment for every individual and peace for the world. During its development over the past 28 years, the University has pioneered Consciousness-Based SM education, which develops the total potential of the brain, the cosmic creativity latent within every student. The University’s programs and activities are designed to achieve educational excellence, conduct original research and extend the frontiers of knowledge, and improve the quality of life for the individual, the nation, and the world.

Maharishi University of Management is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago IL 60602, telephone 312-263-0456). This is the oldest and largest accrediting organization in the U.S.

Academic programs include Ph.D., master’s, and bachelor’s degree programs in a broad range of disciplines.

Faculty include internationally recognized scholars and researchers with degrees from the most prestigious universities in the world, such as Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The campus is located in Fairfield, Iowa, 50 miles west of the Mississippi River in the central U.S. The 262-acre campus, with 1.2 million square feet of teaching, research, recreational, and living space, is situated on gently rolling hills, landscaped with beautiful trees.

The University is unique in that it is the only accredited university in the world which adds to traditional education the Transcendental Meditation program to develop the full potential of the student. Our students make rapid progress, not only in academic achievement, but also in developing their creativity and intelligence.

Some of the features of Maharishi are:

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Study one course at a time through the block system, which allows you to go more deeply into each subject and retain more knowledge with greater ease and enjoyment. Our longer academic year — two semesters, mid-August through June — also complements greater in-depth study.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Gain knowledge through innovative programs such as Environmental Studies, Sustainable Agriculture, Enlightened Theater Arts, Digital Media, and Film and Video Arts.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Study abroad — experience first-hand the cultural diversity of many countries through our Rotating University, which holds classes in beautiful locations around the world.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Enjoy your learning experience through our Consciousness-Based approach to education—learning systematic programs for developing all qualities necessary for success in your personal and professional life, and for your health and happiness. Practice the scientifically validated Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs as part of your curriculum to develop your full potential and expand the "container" of knowledge — your mind — increasing your alertness and learning capacity, broadening your comprehension, and unfolding your full creative potential.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Explore new disciplines: The Science of Creative Intelligence® (SCI) connects each branch of knowledge to the whole tree of knowledge. The Maharishi Vedic Approach to HealthSM introduces skills in managing health and preventing accumulation of stress and imbalance in the body.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Enjoy a positive, nourishing, and serene campus atmosphere, supportive of the cultural and religious diversity created by students from over 60 countries around the world. The campus is virtually free of crime, drugs, and alcohol.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)The reconstruction of our campus has begun with the construction of our first building designed according to the principles of Natural Law. Maharishi Sthapatya VedaSM design actually promotes clearer thinking, better health, and good fortune.

pointrt5.gif (118 bytes)Student activities include a wide variety of sports, clubs, and recreational events including movies, dances, visiting speakers, Student Government-sponsored conferences, and a campus radio station. Sports include golf, volleyball, soccer, skiing, tennis, and adventure sports such as white-water rafting, mountain biking, and rock-climbing. The local community offers a wide variety of shops and restaurants, including a dozen serving international cuisines.



Department of Management

Ph.D. in Management

Today developing and utilizing human potential is widely recognized as the cornerstone of corporate transformation and economic development. Since Maharishi University of Management is the leading university in the world specializing in development of human consciousness, it is an ideal place to learn how to unfold full human potential and create and study the transformation of organizations toward supreme efficiency and perfection of management.


At M.U.M. not only gain knowledge and skills, but also practice technologies to develop the total brain physiology. All topics are studied in the light of the Maharishi Vedic Management — the knowledge of the total intelligence of nature, which automatically manages the infinitely complex and evolving universe without strain and without mistakes.


The Ph.D. program prepares each student to conduct original and significant research through courses in research methods and statistics. Each student is encouraged to do identify a research topic early in his or her studies so that the research papers throughout the program can focus on this chosen topic.


A specialty of Maharishi University of Management is the educational methods it has developed to make knowledge meaningful and enjoyable for students. Students in the Ph.D. program at M.U.M. are trained in principles and practices for successful college teaching and adult education.


The Ph.D. program also includes the opportunity to take electives in other areas of business graduate courses that support the student academic and research goals.

Career Outcomes

The program is designed to prepare students for careers as professors, consultants, or researchers who can help transform the performance of individuals and organizations.

Program Structure

The Ph.D. in Management requires four semesters of full-time study in residence at Maharishi University of Management. As part of the required coursework in the fourth semester, students undertake a written comprehensive exam and oral qualifying exam. When a student successfully completes an oral qualifying examination, the student is advanced to Ph.D. Candidate status and tuition is reduced. When a dissertation proposal accepted, the student is advanced to Ph.D. researcher status. The Ph.D. researcher must complete an oral defense of the dissertation and the dissertation committee, Graduate School and Library, must approve the dissertation.

Entrance Requirements

  • MBA or equivalent business degree
  • GMAT or GRE
  • TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper-based) or 250 (computer-based) is required. TOEFL is waived if the student has completed a degree program conducted in English. English assessment by the Admissions Office can be substituted for the TOEFL test.

Required Courses in the Ph.D. Curriculum

  • Science of Creative Intelligence
  • Organizational Performance and Strategy
  • Survey of Organizational Behavior
  • Models of Organizational Excellence
  • Leadership
  • Seminar in Writing and Teaching
  • Advanced Seminar in Management
  • Experimental Research Design
  • Qualitative Research Design
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Linear Regression
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Preparation for Comprehensive Examination
  • Preparation for Qualifying Exam
  • Dissertation Proposal Preparation
  • Dissertation Research

Additional components of the Ph.D. are:

  • 4 electives courses from other areas of graduate study, including Marketing, Finance/Accounting, Electronic Business, Human Resource Management, and International Business.

The Ph.D in Management program has three levels, Course work, Candidate, and Researcher level. In the first year the student will be studying and living on campus. If the student has the prerequisite of MBA or equivalent Master's degree, the Course work can be completed in three semesters of full-time study in residence at Maharishi University of Management.  In the fourth semester students undertake a written comprehensive exam and oral qualifying exam.

When a student successfully completes an oral qualifying examination, the student is advanced to Ph.D. Candidate status and tuition is reduced. When a dissertation proposal accepted, the student is advanced to Ph.D. researcher status. The Ph.D. researcher must complete an oral defense of the dissertation and the dissertation committee, Graduate School and Library, must approve the dissertation. Students at the Candidate or Researcher may be selected to receive free on campus room and board in exchange for part-time services as a teaching or research assistant.

Financial details for the Ph.D. in Management Fall entry beginning August 2003.

1st year Budget ( Course work level)
$33,110  includes tuition, campus room and board, health insurance, fees and $2,800 for personal expenses
- 12,040 scholarship
-   2,800  personal expenses
$18,270  Payment to University
Additional Payment
$1,250 to learn Transcendental Mediation (if student has not learned before coming)
+ 100 security deposit
+   40 Application fee

For visa purposes in the first year students must verify having more money than they are required to pay the university. They must have:
$18,270  (Tuition, R&B, Health Ins, fees)
+ 2,800 personal expense money
+  1,250 TM course fee
+     140  Security deposit and application fee
$22,460  Total amount required in first year if maximum amount of scholarship granted.

2nd year Budget (Course work level)
$33,110 includes tuition, room and board, health insurance, fees and $2,800 for personal expenses.
- 12,040 scholarship
-  2,800 personal expenses
$18,270  Payment to the University
Candidate Level Budget
$21,310 (incl. Tuition, room & board, Health Ins, other fees, personal exp.)
- 3,008  scholarship
- 5,200  assistantship
- 2,800  personal expenses
$10,302 Payment to the university

Researcher Level Budget
$ 11,510 (incl. Tuition, room & board, Health Ins, other fees, personal exp.)
- 5,200 assistantship
- 2,800  personal expenses
$ 3,510 Payment to the university.
Test requirements:
TOEFL test and GMAT or GRE tets are required for the Ph. D programs. The minimum score for the TOEFL is 600 for the regular test and 250 for the computerized test. The minimum GMAT score is 600.

Required Courses in the Ph.D. Curriculum:

Additional components of the Ph.D. are:
· 4 Electives Courses from other areas of graduate study, including Marketing, Finance/Accounting, Electronic Business, Human Resource Management, and International Business.


申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060  info@urwinner.net



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