研究所先修班 Pre-Graduate Program

規劃,申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學30年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠


(1)英文不夠流利    (2)不了解美國文化    (3)不會寫美式報告 (4)不會上台用英文作簡報

(5)不習慣美式上課方式            四週課程協助您解決以上問題,高分畢業, 本次課程採用多媒體影片與教科書,使您有身入其境的臨場感

課程內容Pre-Graduate Program

1.      如何參與小組 專案,文化差異處理,電話禮儀,開會用語,談判字眼運用Work on team projects, managing cultural diversity, telephone conference, stating and asking for opinion during formal meeting and negotiation.

2.      如何從事圖書館及網路找資料Conduct library and internet research

3.      如何完成美式研究報告Organize American-style research papers

4.      如何將網路技巧運用到課堂報告Apply internet skills to class projects

5.      如何做精彩簡報Deliver sophisticated, clear, and confident presentations

6.      如何聽課及做筆記Listen effectively and take notes during an academic lecture

7.      如何有效閱讀Read for accuracy, meaning, and speed

8.      線上學術技巧 Online Academic Skills assignments and communication conducted over the World Wide Web.

9.  個案研究Case Studies and the Art of Problem Solving: This course focuses on the case study method, the dominant tool for teaching in MBA programs. Students solve logistical and ethical problems taken from the real world, learn how to analyze the problems individually and in groups, make decisions and present their solutions to the class. Learning these skills is essential to anyone hoping to succeed in business school.

10.行動研究: Action Learning

11.  美國商業文化American Business Culture: Through class activities, guest speakers, films, Internet research, and team presentations, students learn the values and customs of American business life. The class focuses on teamwork to solve business problems and present solutions as a group.

:9, 10, 11, 12課程為加修課程,針對商管學院準研究所學生


詠瑞英日語邀請有經驗的中籍及外籍老師老擔任講師: 例如Jason Kaja, Joram McCell, Duke大學陳博士等

課程The Curriculum

美國準碩士/研究所先修課程是一個4週的課程: 每週6小時, 24小時; 學生學會研究所所需美式批評思考(Critical Thinking), 美式研究, 美式寫作,美式報告,小組分工及了解美式簡報名美國文化及商業模式; 對於商管學院的學生, 詠瑞英日語多開了二週的課程教討學生線上學術技巧, 個案研究, 行動研究Action Learning, 以及美國商業文化

上課時間: (1)冬季班每週二及週四, 晚上 (共四週) 第5週及第六週為商管研究所學生選修課程

               (2)夏季班 每週二及週四, 晚上 (共四週) 第5週及第六週為商管研究所學生選修課程






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1.      如何參與小組討論Participate actively in group discussions

2.      如何執行小組專案Work on team projects

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1.      如何參與小組討論Participate actively in group discussions

2.      如何執行小組專案Work on team projects






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3.      如何從事圖書館及網路找資料Conduct library and internet research

4.      如何完成美式研究報告Organize American-style research papers





3.      如何從事圖書館及網路找資料Conduct library and internet research

4.      如何完成美式研究報告Organize American-style research papers



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5.      如何將網路技巧運用到課堂報告Apply internet skills to class projects

6.      如何做精彩簡報Deliver sophisticated, clear, and confident presentations

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5.      如何將網路技巧運用到課堂報告Apply internet skills to class projects

6.      如何做精彩簡報Deliver sophisticated, clear, and confident presentations


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7.      如何聽課及做筆記Listen effectively and take notes during an academic lecture

8.      如何有效閱讀Read for accuracy, meaning, and speed

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7.      如何聽課及做筆記Listen effectively and take notes during an academic lecture

8.      如何有效閱讀Read for accuracy, meaning, and speed






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9.      線上學術技巧 Online Academic Skills assignments and communication conducted over the World Wide Web.

10.  個案研究Case Studies and the Art of Problem Solving: This course focuses on the case study method, the dominant tool for teaching in MBA programs. Students solve logistical and ethical problems taken from the real world, learn how to analyze the problems individually and in groups, make decisions and present their solutions to the class. Learning these skills is essential to anyone hoping to succeed in business school.










9.      線上學術技巧 Online Academic Skills assignments and communication conducted over the World Wide Web.

10.  個案研究Case Studies and the Art of Problem Solving: This course focuses on the case study method, the dominant tool for teaching in MBA programs. Students solve logistical and ethical problems taken from the real world, learn how to analyze the problems individually and in groups, make decisions and present their solutions to the class. Learning these skills is essential to anyone hoping to succeed in business school.



11.行動研究: Action Learning

12.  美國商業文化American Business Culture: Through class activities, guest speakers, films, Internet research, and team presentations, students learn the values and customs of American business life. The class focuses on teamwork to solve business problems and present solutions as a group.



11.行動研究: Action Learning

12.  美國商業文化American Business Culture: Through class activities, guest speakers, films, Internet research, and team presentations, students learn the values and customs of American business life. The class focuses on teamwork to solve business problems and present solutions as a group.


程費用: (上課地點:台北車站天成商業大樓, 教室101)

(1)四週共同班:台幣  (2)六週商管班台幣

2人團報95折             3人團報9折

*五人以上團體價格,班級人數不滿五人,不開班, 退回定金及報名費*

註: 上課內容很多會以英文進行, 英文程度不佳者, 不建議參加此課程

詠瑞留學托福班, SAT班, SSAT班, IELTS班等學生,報名此課程再享9折優待

報名: 請洽詠瑞留學


講師(1): 簡博士 Ann Chien, Ph.D.

學歷: Duke U, Ph.D.




講師(2): Ethan MBA, MS FE

學歷: Baruch College, CUNY.


講師(3): Kyle Hetting

學歷: U of Kentucky B.S. Political Science

講師(4): Joram McCell

學歷: U of Colorado, MA in Linguistics.

註:詠瑞英日語補習班有調整上課內容及講師的權利, 此課程原則上由講師(1)主講,講師(2)為支援老師,如講師(1)無法出席時代課之

到美國讀研究所,碩士班,博士班的學生切必修的課程,協助您成功完成學業. ...............

詠瑞學生林霈2011年1月SAT 2200高分

詠瑞留學代辦生Joyce Chen 2011年錄取UCLA (原就讀學校George School/黃顧問的學生)









詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300  -  veda.lin@msa.hinet.net;  LINE: @pbs7464v  ; 微信: benuredu

申請: 洽詠瑞留學

美國國高中/寄宿中學申請區      加拿大國高中/寄宿中學申請區      澳洲國高中/寄宿中學申請區     紐西蘭國高中/寄宿中學申請區      英國國高中/寄宿中學申請區

新加坡留學及遊學      大陸國高中/寄宿中學申請區      日本國高中/寄宿中學申請區   愛爾蘭中學申請區      法國奧詩中小學 貴族學校 ÉCOLE DES ROCHES (6-18歲)近巴黎

瑞士中學(6-12年級住校)世界頂級名校         American School of Bangkok 曼谷美國學校 (泰國美國學校) K-12 有宿舍

美國社區大學省錢名校方案 快速便宜進名校  美國社區大學推廣中心   加拿大公立中小學聯合推廣中心   澳洲公立中小學聯合推廣中心

         詠瑞留學合作的美國大學, 可以免代辦費,          詠瑞留學合作英國大學名單  (免代辦費)        詠瑞留學合作的加拿大大學免代辦費     詠瑞留學合作的澳洲大學免代辦費      詠瑞留學合作的紐西蘭小學, 中學, 大學及學院都不用代辦費     詠瑞留學合作的美國社區大學 參考名單






