美國時尚學校/時尚大學, 時尚設計, 時尚行銷, 時尚管理                    張詠誠

時尚設計/服裝設計Fashion/Apparel Design

American River College (CA)

The Art Institute of New  York City

The Art Inst of Philadelphia

The Art Inst of Seattle (WA)

Bay State College (MA)

Burlington County College (NJ)

Butte College (CA)

Canada College, CA

Chabot College CA

College of DuPage IL

College of Sequoias CA

Daytona Beach Community College FL

East Los Angeles College

El Camino College CA

El Centro College TX

Fashion Careers of California College, SD, CA

Fashion Inst of Design & Merchandising, LA, CA



Fisher College, MA

Garden City Community College, KS

Harcum College , PA

Hinds Comm Coll MS

Honolulu Comm HI

Houston C C , TX

Kirkwood C C, IA

Los Angeles Trade Tech College, CA

Middlesex County C, NJ

Nassau Community College, NY

Northeast Mississippi CC MS

Palm Beach CC, FL

Palomar College, CA

Penn Valley CC, MO

Phoenix C, AZ

Ventura C, CA

Vincennes U, IN

Westmoreland County Comm College, PA


舊金山藝術大學AAU可條件式 (免托福/免代辦費)

·  009美國藝術學院各科系排名           2004藝術學院總排名

·  藝術, Fashion, 流行服務設計, 流行商品, 流行飾品管理, Fashion Merchandising, 等詠瑞留學申請最權威!經驗豐富!

·  紐約設計學院FIT

·  舊金山藝術大學AAU 可條件式入學 02 2731 6060

·  Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM)

·  Alfred University亞佛烈得大學/全美藝術Design類前5

·  Paris American Academy 巴黎美國學院 巴黎美國藝術及設計學院

·  法國10個月MBA (精品管理Reims)

·  http://www.iulm.it/default.aspx?idPage=834 IULM 義大利時尚行銷碩士

1.                          Fashion and design school: Milan, Paris, London - Istituto Marangoni 義大利,法國,英國時尚行銷及管理學校

更多學校,請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 info@urwinner.net

申請時尚設計,時尚行銷,流行行銷,請來找詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060




Fashion Merchandising/Marketing

Abraham Baldwin Ag College, GA

Alexandria Tech Coll, MN

American River C, CA

The Art Inst of Philadelphia

The Art Inst of Seattle

Austin CC, TX

Bay State College, MA

Bellevue Comm College, EA

Berkeley College, NJ,

Berkeley College, NYC

Briarwood Colege, CT

Brookdale CC, NJ

Butt, CA

Carl Sandburg C, IL

Central Pledmont CC, NC

Century C, MN

Chabot C, CA

Cleveland CC, NC

College of DuPage, IL

College of Seqoias, CA

Community College of Rhode Island, RI

Cuesta College, CA

Davis College, OH

Delta C, MI

Des Moines Area Community College, IA

Dona Ana Branch C, NM

Eastern Oklahoma State C, OK

Fashion Careers of California College




Fisher C, MA

Garden City CC, KS

Grand Rapides CC, MI

Gwinnett Tech C, GA

Harcum C, PA

Houston CC, TX

Howard CC, MD

Indiana Business C, Indianapolis, IN

Iowa Lakes CC, IA

James A Rhodes State C, OH

John A Logan C, IL

J. Sergeant Reynolds CC, VA

Kingsborough CC of CUNY

Kirkwood CC, IA

Lake Region State C, ND

Laredo CC, TX

Los Angels Trade Tech C, CA

Middle Georgia C , GA

Middlesex CC, MA

Middlesex County C, NJ

Milwaukee Area Tech C, WI

Mississippi Gulf Coast CC, MS

Modesto J. C, CA

Mt. San Antonio C, CA

Nassau CC, NY

Northeast Mississippi CC, MS

Northeast Wisconsin Tech C, Wi

Oakland CC, MI

Odessa C, TX

Orange Coast C, CA

Owens CC, Finday, OH

Owens CC, Toledo, OH

Oxnard C, CA

Palm Beach CC, FL

Palomar C, CA

Pasadena City College, CA

Patricia Stevens C, MO

Penn Valley CC, MO

Rochester C and Techn C, MN

St. Louis Comm Coll at Florissant Valley, MO

San Diego City College, CA

San Joaquin Delta C, CA

Santa Monica C, CA

Scottsdale CC, AZ

Sierra C, CA

South Plains C, TX

South Suburban C, IL

Southwest Mississippi CC, MS

Spokane Falls CC, WA

Triton College, IL

Vincennes U, IN

Western Wisconsin Tech C, WI

Westmoreland County CC, PA 

College of DuPage (IL) Fashion and Fabric Consulting


柏克萊學院Berkeley College/紐約市/流行行銷名校






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恭喜楊小姐錄取紐約設計學院FIT !

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