
Dear Admission Officer:


      I would like to apply for admission to your institution.  After reviewing the following, please send me the appropriate application forms and brochures.  Thank you!

1. Last Name: _________         First Name:__________ 2. Sex: _____


3. Address for reply:     



4. Citizen of : _________                  5. Native Language: _______________

6. Expected Date of Entrance: ______________ 

7. Degree Desired: ___________

8. Intended Major: __________________  

9. Last Attended Secondary School and/or University



10. Overall Grade Average:

Secondary School: _________

Undergrad: ___60-69;  ____70-74; ___75-80; _____81-84; _____ 85-89; ___90-100

11. Exams Results & Date:

      TOEFL: _________________       SAT __________________

      Other: _____________________

12. I expect to have approximately ____________ in US dollars available each year for tuition and expenses in the US. ____I plan to apply( ______I do not plan to apply) for financial aid from your institution, but if the financial aid is not available I still have fund to go to your school.


13. Additional Comments or Question (Work Experience):





Signature:________________                            Date: _________


Note1: if your application form and brochure is not available yet, please place me on the mailing waiting list. Thank you.

*Note to US Admissions Officer: Some students in Taiwan enter a 5-year junior college program immediately after graduating form junior middle school. These 5-year programs straddle high school and the first two years of college. ** A grade of less than 60 is failing.

(This form is designed and distributed by Foundation for Scholarly Exchange—Fulbright)

(詠瑞留學) 台北市新生南路一段108-12



台北市復興南路一段137號4F-1 (忠孝東路復興南路口/華南銀行樓上) 02 2731 6060